We are very lucky to have a wide range of clinicians available at the practice to help you with your needs. These include GP’s, Physicians Associates, Minor Illness Nurses, Physios, Pharmacists and an extensive Nursing Team.
Our Patient Navigation Team are trained to ask certain questions in order to ensure that you receive the best medical care, from the most suited health professional, at the appropriate time.
Routine GP Appointments – We can offer these up to 2 weeks in advance and they are released daily at 8am. Once these appointments have been taken, more appointments will be made available the following day. Routine appointments are often very limited later in the day.
Urgent Care Appointments – We have an Urgent Care Team made up of GPs, Minor Illness Nurses, Physician Associates and Pharmacists who deal with urgent only matters, on the day.
Routine Nurses Appointments – These can be booked up to 6 weeks ahead which can include blood tests, dressings, injections and child immunisations.
Routine Pharmacists Appointments – Our Pharmacy Team deal with medication reviews as well as Long Term Condition Reviews, these can also be booked up to 6 weeks ahead.
Physio Appointments - Our Physio is available for all musculoskeletal problems and is able to carry out joint injections.
Community Pharmacy (CPCS) Referrals - Our Patient Navigators can make appointments directly with a Pharmacy of your choice to discuss many minor ailments.