Opening Times

  • St George Health Centre

    Day Opening hours
    Wednesday 12 February
    8am to 6:30pm
    Thursday 13 February
    8am to 6:30pm
    Friday 14 February
    8am to 6:30pm
    Saturday 15 February
    9am to 12pm
    Sunday 16 February
    Monday 17 February
    8am to 6:30pm
    Tuesday 18 February
    8am to 6:30pm
  • Lodgeside Surgery

    Day Opening hours
    Wednesday 12 February
    8am to 5:30pm
    Thursday 13 February
    8am to 5:30pm
    Friday 14 February
    8am to 5:30pm
    Saturday 15 February
    Sunday 16 February
    Monday 17 February
    8am to 6:30pm
    Tuesday 18 February
    8am to 6:30pm

Extended Hours

We support the national drive to improve access to General Practice by providing additional appointments outside of our core opening hours. These appointments are offered with a range of clinicians; from routine GP appointments, nurse treatment room and practice pharmacists.

You may be offered an early morning appointment (before 8am) or evening appointment (after 6.30pm). If this is something you would prefer please ask about availability when booking.

Saturday morning surgeries are held at our St George site, appointments bookable in advance the practice is not open to other callers and the telephones are unmanned.

Bank Holiday Arrangements

The practice is always closed on Bank Holidays - please ensure prescription requests are made well in advance at holiday periods to ensure you do not run out of medication.

Local Pharmacy opening hours for the next Bank Holiday can be found here once agreed

When We Are Closed

For life-threatening emergencies or serious illness in a baby or toddler call 999

If you need medical help or advice when the Health Centre is closed but it's not life-threatening:

  • telephone 111 (free from landlines and mobiles) and/or
  • visit for health information online 
  • or click on the link 

a group of people sitting in chairs

Yate Minor Injury Unit (MIU)

21 West Walk
Yate, Bristol
BS37 4AX


Tel: 01454 315355

Yate Minor Injury Unit (MIU)

South Bristol NHS Community Hospital (Hengrove)

Hengrove Promenade
Whitchurch Lane
BS14 0DE

Sat nav postcode: BS14 0DB

Tel: 0300 124 6260

South Bristol NHS Community Hospital (Hengrove)

Southmead Minor Injuries Unit (MIU)

Gate 35, Level 0
Brunel building
Southmead Hospital
Southmead Road
BS10 5NB

0117 4145100 or 0117 4145101

Southmead Minor Injuries Unit